Content is still king in marketing. The Institute of Content Marketing defines content marketing as “a strategic marketing approach focused...
Disclosure: This article is based on the author’s honest opinion, but the first link is their affiliate. Undoubtedly, sales are...
So you’re an intelligent online business owner with a great new product and an appealing brand. You may be new to the digital world of e-commerce or have been in the business for some time, but with limited results. If you feel that things aren’t going quite as well as...
Starting a business is expensive, but you should not let that be the reason you do not try. You can...
LinkedIn has become the world’s leading social media platform for businesses and corporate entities. Used for networking, communication, and, most...
Discover why LinkedIn is important for business. As an entrepreneur, you must look at ways of improving and enhancing your business as much as you can. Every decision you make should revolve around growing the brand and trying to take things to the next level. This platform is something that...
Having a powerful and visible personal brand is a sure way to find success in many aspects of your life....
When you run a marketing team, you have to juggle numerous moving parts. Add the many challenges of managing remote...
Ten real-world experts reveal their most effective Instagram marketing tips for business growth. Many business owners still don’t quite realize the power of Instagram as a tool for helping grow a business, and that’s a strategic error that is allowing their competitors to dominate them on the world’s fastest-growing social...
Aren’t you just a little bit curious? The truth is, there are loads of lesser-known international brands that are breaking...
Op-ed by Pawan Deshpande, Founder and CEO of Curata Why content marketing etiquette matters and 5 tips on how to...
5 useful examples of behavioral marketing and effective ideas on how to implement it in business: As marketers, it’s important to research target markets, discover trends and build campaigns based on that data. However, some trends are innate to human nature, not just a specific segment of the market or...
Efficient. Webster defines it as being “productive of desired effects…capable of producing desired results with little or no waste (as...
How to do social media marketing the right way: Social media usage is an essential part of everyday routine. Most...
Content marketing plays a significant role in growing a B2B business. If a brand doesn’t produce quality content, it simply cannot compete with others because buyers use all available information before deciding which companies to give their money and loyalty to. The recently published “B2B Content Marketing: 2018 Benchmarks, Budgets,...
Effective marketing knowledge & strategies for reaching the millennial generation: Move over baby boomers and Gen Xers. The millennials are...
Social branding, also known as a sustainability brand, was once the domain of nonprofit organisations. At the time of writing social...
Emotion makes things memorable. Humour and laughter and smiling is a positive emotion. If you can get an audience to laugh, you will be remembered. And tying memories of laughter to your company or product is a good thing. According to Wikipedia, there are 4 different kinds of humour: The...
When done properly, email marketing is a fantastic way of bring in new clients, and engaging with the ones you...
“The new Snapchat separates social from media.” During Snap’s recent earnings call, the social media powerhouse issued this rather disorienting...