Content is still king in marketing. The Institute of Content Marketing defines content marketing as “a strategic marketing approach focused...
JoinedJuly 15, 2015
Gerri Knilans is president of Thousand Oaks, California-based, Trade Press Services, marketing communications strategists, serving B2B companies of all sizes and types. She has more than 40 years’ experience in sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, consulting, teaching and publishing. For additional information, please visit or send email to [email protected].
5 useful examples of behavioral marketing and effective ideas on how to implement it in business: As marketers, it’s important...
Far too many business executives dismiss thought leadership as a buzzword. Yet, thought leadership is a highly effective marketing strategy that highlights an organization’s talent, experience and passion while answering the most pressing questions faced by its target audience. In this “content is king” marketplace, the internet is overflowing with...
Effective marketing knowledge & strategies for reaching the millennial generation: Move over baby boomers and Gen Xers. The millennials are...
The Secrets to Finding World-Class Solutions for Your Marketing Overload Quickly In business today, even under the best of circumstances,...
The Best Ways to Utilize Newsletters: Companies have so many options for reaching out to their internal and external audiences. One effective, but sometimes forgotten, tool is regularly scheduled and consistently produced newsletters. Whether monthly or quarterly, digital or print, a newsletter gets directly into the hands (or email box)...
Why produce case studies and success stories? Quite simply…what better way to promote your company than by demonstrating the success...
What is marketing planning? Put, it is the thought process that results in creating a comprehensive outline, which details an...
The ultimate guide on the importance and research on marketing to millennials. Marketers salivate at the mere mention of the millennial generation. According to, there are 1.75 billion millennials in the world, with a multitude of consumers in the group. The challenge for marketers is to capture the essence...
As we head into the fourth quarter, many departments are faced with the task of budgeting for 2020. Belts continue...
Businesses live and die by the numbers. The data helps marketers plan programs and campaigns, measure success and make strategic...
The importance of mobile-first web design. A few years back, Google rolled out a new algorithm designed to give preference to mobile-ready websites over their non-responsive counterparts. Although some early metrics aren’t seeing considerable shifts in rankings, the update, according to Google, “will have a significant impact on our search...
Business leaders know the importance of staying connected with their target audiences. But for marketing efforts to be successful, content...
The ultimate guide to business etiquette and professionalism at work: As the global marketplace expands and technology capabilities increase, the...
Many professionals join networking groups to get—not give—referrals. The traditional format is to hand out business cards, give your 60 second elevator speech, scope out name badges and titles and shake a lot of hands. Business people join with the expectation they will meet people who will send business to...
It’s all very confusing. Mantras. Maxims, Mission Statements. What role do they play in business communications? More importantly, what do...
Fashion designer Coco Chanel once said, “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” How right she was....
How do you know? Writers are a dime a dozen, but the good ones are worth their weight in gold. That’s because they know how to craft interesting, engaging content that provides value to readers. When producing original content or evaluating the work of someone who is—whether the output is...
Guilty or Not? In a long career in business, I’ve heard it all. Sometimes it’s just astonishing what comes out...
The term thought Leadership was first used in 1994 by Joel Kurtzman, former editor-in-chief of Strategy & Business. Its purpose...