Anyone who pays any attention to financial news should have been aware that many pundits were predicting “The Correction” was...
Smart Investing
Intelligence alone will not secure long-term investment success. Quick minds tend to get overconfident and impetuous – setting the stage for what...
There is a lot of buzz around crowdfunding, and you may wonder why it has captured so much attention as of late. It is one the most creative ways to raise needed money for a business start-up in the 21st century. It brings creative ideas and those with investment dollars...
John Maynard Keynes theory on Portfolio Concentration, a Depression-era economist and accomplishing investor, when challenged about an overly large buy of...
Recently, economists wanted us to believe that the cap Switzerland placed on its own currency was bad. Very bad. They...
Money! We work till we break a sweat to earn more money. Money is a useful tool that helps you to get closer to your goals and ambitions. If you decide to make a few rules and religiously follow them, you will have better control over your money. Here are...
Understanding the commodities market. Imagine a market for every physical object. There is a name for that in the investment...
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