We receive many words of wisdom and advice from our mentors and colleagues regarding how to find happiness in our...
JoinedJuly 30, 2018
We spend lots of time trying to understand the attributes of successful employees. What are the essential skills required to...
Throughout my career, when speaking to talent professionals and reading many publications on how to hire and retain talent, there was and remains the mantra, “Hire The Best and The Brightest”. This mantra is how our educational system and society rewards us. Our school system deems who gets into the...
Most employees work hard and show up every day with good intent and admirable integrity. Despite modelling great values and...
The benefits of being authentic in the workplace, and how to be more genuine at work. What do we mean...
What does imposter-syndrome feel like? And how to start tackling it in four simple steps. How many of you believe you don’t deserve a seat at the table? And how many of you worry you will be found out? It’s quite often that the following refrains are echoed by many...
What to do when dealing with a bad boss. Live long enough, and I guarantee you have had at least...
The essential ingredient to your promotion. Surprisingly many of my clients operate on a faulty assumption. They assume if they...
Discover how to improve your strategic leadership skills by thinking in new and disruptive ways. At some point in your career, how many of you have been told, “You must be more strategic”? I’ll bet many of you. My clients’ come to me perplexed and are often overwhelmed with this...
Every organisation regardless of size, sector or competitive position in the marketplace, has a set of value statements. These values...
We are taught to win, go for the gold, outdo our competitors, make a difference, leave a legacy. Medals, awards,...