
How Entrepreneurship & Wellness Connect

1entrepreneurship-wellness-connection All elements of wellness connect directly with entrepreneurship, and this includes emotional wellness, physical wellness, intellectual wellness and spiritual wellness. Therefore, studies reveal that successful entrepreneurs knowingly develop their wellness.

development flower

Most people are aware of their unhealthy behaviors and seem satisfied with their life as long as they are free from symptoms of disease (Hoeger & Hoeger, 2003). The term wellness has been defined in many ways. Although there may be a variety of views on what wellness encompasses. The National Wellness Institute, along with other professionals such as health educators, physical educators, nurses and physicians, in health and wellness, share many interpretations and models of wellness.

wellness connection

There appears to be a general agreement that wellness is a conscious, self-directed and an evolving process of achieving full potential. Wellness is a multi-dimensional and holistic, it encompasses a lifestyle of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, a good environment and positive / affirming beliefs (National Wellness Institute, 2006).

elements of wellness Health and wellness professionals state that wellness encompasses several components that are conducive to health and defined as the integration of many different components that expand one’s potential to live and work effectively and to make significant contributions to society. As entrepreneurs, a number of modern conveniences impair the health and wellness of the population through decreased exercise: time spent at work and in cars, media attractions, computers and mobile technologies. Furthermore, the affordability of readily available fast and processed foods contribute to the consumption of empty and excessive calories.

It is clear that we must understand the important role wellness plays in entrepreneurship, accepting the reality that each dimension must be fostered for the achievement of a balanced and productive lifestyle.

It could be stated that, life as an entrepreneur is hectic. Many people do not notice that they could improve their lifestyle. The reason is most likely because they are in good condition and all tasks could be done in a proper way.

When an entrepreneur is not concerned about wellness as a whole, they could easily get affected by health problems such as insomnia and negative thoughts. When an entrepreneur is not in a good condition, it is likely to effect their health and ruin the business.


Many entrepreneurs are not concerned about health and wellness even though this element is a way for them to measure their success in the future.

Much more could be done to increase ones freedom from disease and disability, promoting a state of well-being and developing adequate levels of physical, mental, spiritual and social activity. Ardell (2005) (a lifetime devotee to wellness research) states that the conscious choice involved in taking responsibility for improving the quality of one’s life by adopting changes in various areas of one’s lifestyle results in a high level of well-being. Hatfield & Hatfield (1992) emphasized the cognitive processes involved in enhancing overall well-being within various domains: intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual.

7entrepreneurship-wellness-connection Wellness involves a process of integration, including awareness; education; and growth. Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices towards a more successful existence (National Wellness Institute, 2006). Professionals describe wellness as encompassing several components that are conducive to health, and defined as the integration of many different components that expand one’s potential to live and work effectively – possibly making significant contributions to society.

physical, mental, social, spiritual

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness includes the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about oneself and life (Hettler, 1980). Another description is the ability to understand one’s feelings as well as those of others, accepting a persons or one’s own limitations, and achievement of emotional stability. It also implies the ability to express emotions appropriately, adjust to change, cope with stress, and enjoy life despite disappointments and frustrations (Floyd, Mimms & Yelding, 2003; Power 7 Dodd, 2003).

Emotional wellness could be conceptualized as awareness and control of feelings, as well as a realistic, positive, and developing view of the self, conflict and life circumstances, coping with extroverts could be an outcome of higher levels of the positive affect. The relation between wealth and well-being is at best a low positive one, although it is clear that material supports can enhance access to resources that are important for happiness and self-realization. There appears to be many risks to poverty but few benefits to wealth when it comes to well-being. Maintaining emotional wellness requires monitoring and exploring thoughts or feelings, identifying obstacles to emotional well-being, and finding solutions to emotional problems.

wellness connections

According to Hettler (1980), conceptualized emotional wellness is a continual process that incorporates the awareness, constructive expression, and management of emotion. As well as a realistic self-assessment and a positive approach to life, such as challenges, risks and conflicts, which are viewed as healthy opportunities to develop further. Successful entrepreneurs tend to have the ability to constructively express, manage and integrate their feelings.

emotional Emotional wellness includes the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about one’s life. It includes the capacity to manage one’s feelings and related behaviors including the realistic assessment of one’s limitations, development of autonomy, and ability to cope effectively with stress. The well and healthy person build satisfying relationships with others. Awareness of and an acceptance of a wide range of feelings in ourselves and others is essential for wellness.

Physical Wellness

physical wellness Many researchers have reported the positive psychological benefits of regular physical exercise. Such benefits have included reduced anxiety, reduced depression, improved mood and suppressed anger. Physically active individuals regularly exercise, eat a balanced diet and maintain a recommended body weight. Physical wellness includes getting enough sleep, seeing the doctor when needed, avoiding alcohol and other drugs (Corbin et al, 2006: Hoger & Hoeger, 2003: Hoeger et al, 2002).

Physical development encourages learning about diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. Optimal physical wellness is met through the combination of good exercise and eating habits. The physical dimensions of wellness entail personal responsibility and care for minor illnesses and also knowing when professional medical attention is needed. A physically fit individual should be able to perform moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without becoming tired.

It also includes avoiding risky sexual behavior. The long-term benefits of physical activity includes decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, lower diabetes risk, decreased risk of colon cancer and lower blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. Physical activity is important not only for adults but for adolescents and children as well.

Physical development

Physical wellness is the active and continuous effort to maintain the optimum level of physical activity and focus on nutrition, as well as self-care and maintaining healthy lifestyle choices. Physical wellness also includes the perception and expectation of wellness, as well as the acceptance of one’s physical state, such as body-image and disability. The definition focuses on an individual moving towards a full personal potential without comparing his or her progress with that of others. For example, an entrepreneur with a physical disability could be considered to be well by moving towards his or her own optimal level.

The benefits of physical wellness include looking better and feeling terrific more often. The psychological benefits are an enhanced self-esteem, self-control, determination and a sense of direction.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual Wellness Intellectual wellness is characterized by the ability to make sound decisions and to think critically. It includes openness to new ideas, the motivation to master skills, a sense of humor, creativity and curiosity. Striving for personal growth and a willingness to seek out and use new information in effective ways for personal and social development are also a part of intellectual wellness.

Based on research, less successful entrepreneurs are not concerned about education, that means they look for short-cuts to gain and find new knowledge to improve their business.

Ranger et al (2000) defined intellectual wellness as one’s orientation and achievement towards personal growth, education and achievement, and creativity. Continual personal growth and education includes attending cultural events and seeking opportunities to gain and share knowledge.

In addition, (Hoeger & Hoeger, 2003; Hoeger et al, 2002) defines intellectual wellness as the ability to apply knowledge that a person has acquired, create opportunities to learn more, and engage the mind in lively interaction with the world around them. Intellectual wellness includes being open to new ideas, a capacity to question, to think logically and be creative. An active mind is essential to wellness; it detects problems, finds solutions, and directs behavior (DiMonda, 2005). People who enjoy intellectual wellness never stop learning; they seek out new experiences and challenges (Fahey, Insel, Roth, 2003).

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness Spiritual wellness is the sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose; the ethics and morals that guide us and give meaning and direction to life. Spiritual wellness implies a search for meaning and purpose in human existence, leading one to strive for a state of harmony with oneself and others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world.

For entrepreneurs to become more successful, not only should they focus on how to improve their business operations, but to improve their internal values – so that they could manage things with a calm mind and body.

Entrepreneurial Performance In addition, spiritual wellness has different meanings to different people. It generally involves creating a set of guiding beliefs, principles or values that give purpose and meaning to life. Being a spiritually well person means achieving a sense of wholeness and positive relationships with others. It also influences people, where it could create bonds through compassion, love, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice (Fahey, Insel, &Roth, 2003).

Now here’s something else…

Entrepreneurial Performance


Entrepreneurs tend to be confident in themselves and their abilities. They recognize that they don’t know everything or control all the available resources. Instead, they have a keen ability to understand what they need. The ability to understand and see opportunity is critical for success, and that comes with wellness. Entrepreneurs like to challenge themselves and search for opportunities.

The qualities of successful entrepreneurs refer to the traits mentioned throughout this article, which enable an entrepreneur to do what is expected and succeed in business. It is the combination of these characteristics that enable people to perform as successful entrepreneurs.

18entrepreneurship-wellness-connection For a business to be successful, every business owner or manager needs to ensure that their business is operating as efficiency and effectively as possible. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the business requires an understanding of the key drivers within the business and a practical approach to implementing the processes that will optimize these key drivers. The first step is wellness.


Based on the development flower, all the variables are significant. Anyone can change a behavior or lifestyle, however, many adults fail in making these changes. Physical activity is not just for athletes, but for all people. The same goes for learning new stress management techniques. In conclusion, it is essential to keep on developing emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually throughout life; entrepreneurs should be concerned about their wellness if they truly want long-term success.


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